
I have been a participant first and then an assistant for the intensive courses for many years. An experience that enriched me as a person and shaped me as a professional, giving me friends for life and memories that I will forever treasure


My first time in London? It was for one of our weekly trips and I couldn’t imagine the buzz, how lively the streets, the magnificent buildings and, most of all, the people … colours, cultures, food, attractions …. Amazing city!

Giulia P

After years as a participant, I have been recently asked to take some responsibilities at the Intensive Summer Course. So much fun for me to be able to welcome new students and guide them through the numerous activities. I loved it and I hope to be asked to do it again ...

Giorgia N

My favourite activities during the courses in England have always been the afternoon ones; sport, cooking, music and painting. They helped enhance my vocabulary and improve my spoken English

Alice P

I feel it has been a priviledge for me to visit the University City of Cambridge. What a place! I managed to see its best sites while punting along the river Cam.

Michela P

Happy students
Happy students